Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Pembelajaran

  • Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Zainal Abidin (Unisza), Malaysia
Keywords: Teachers Competency, Pedagogical Competency, Personality Competency, Social Competency, Professional Competency.


Teachers are people who play important roles in planning learning strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the learning process which is be dependent on the methods and the ability of the teachers to teach. This is until a point where teachers have to gain and develop absolute teaching competency. Teachers’ competency is the ability of a teacher that involves various aspects such as knowledge, appearance, thinking process, self adaptation, attitude and religious
values in executing the teaching profession. There are several types of competencies that a teacher must possess namely pedagogical competency, personality competency, social competency and professional competency. Besides, teachers’ competency is very significant in structuring the curriculum–curriculum needs
to be constructed in a way that it takes into consideration the competency of the teachers as well as the relationship of activities and outcomes of the students. Teachers’competency is very important that competent teachers will have the authority and skill in controlling the classroom until students are at optimal condition.
