Layla Majnun is a novel written by a Sufi and a poet from Persia named Nizami Ganjavi, he expresses his thoughts through prose, poetry, and poetry which is very thick with deep spiritual meaning. There are many versions of the story of Layla Majnun, but Nizami's work is the most famous and there have been many researchers who have researched the Layla Majnun novel, but no researcher has yet examined the da'wah message in the novel. This study aims to analyze the da'wah messages contained in the Layla Majnun novel. The method used in this research is library research. The data analysis technique uses the content analysis method. The findings of this study indicate that the novel Layla Majnun contains da'wah messages, namely the message of the creed, the message of preaching sharia, the message of preaching mua'malah, and the message of da’wah morals.
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Akses daring
Desta Leila Kartik, Hubungan intertekstual Cinta Abadi Layla Majnun dengan Romeo and Juliet, Http: diakses pada tanggal 18 oktober 2020.
Novita Erma, Analisis Psikologi Sastra Tokoh Utama Novel maha Cinta Layla Majnun karya Syeikh Nizami. Http: media, diakses pada tanggal 18 oktober 2020.
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