(Studi Pada Ikon Kabupaten dan Kota Pekalongan)
This study aims to determine the cultural and religious meaning contained in an icon in the district and city of Pekalongan. This study is a study using a descriptive qualitative method with a socio-historical approach. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study, the author shows that the icon in Pekalongan Regency is a three-dimensional Al-Qur'an and the icon in Pekalongan City is the Archipelago Gate. The existence of these icons is influenced by the religious conditions of the community in each region. The district is represented that the community is Santri, so the term Santri City is known in Pekalongan Regency. While the city, represents that the community is a batik businessman, so the term Batik City is known in Pekalongan City. Therefore, these two icons greatly shape each of Pekalongan's cultural identities, namely batik, painting, and the religious cultural identity of santri studying the Koran. Therefore, these two icons not only function as physical representations of the city and district, but also as religious symbolism and cultural identity that reflects the richness and diversity of the Pekalongan community.
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Web & Wawancara
Dien Nurfala, Mengulas Kembali Paradigma Deskriptif-Interpretatif /Di akses 30 November 2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan Bapak Yosi Bimono selaku pegawai DPUPR pada bidang tata dan ruang Kabupaten Pekalongan pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2023.
Hasil wawancara dengan Bapak Sidem Tetuko, ST.MT. selaku Arsitektur Bangunan Gapura Nusantara, di Kantor Dinas Lingkungan Hidup pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2023

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