أساسيات إعداد مواد وكتب تعليم اللغة العربية

  • Hidayatil Muslimah STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh
  • Danil Zulhendra STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh
Keywords: preparing, Teaching Materials, Arabic langguage, Dasar-dasar, Bahan Ajar, Bahasa Arab


This study aims to know about teaching materials and various steps in preparing teaching materials and Arabic textbooks. Teaching materials are a set of information that must be absorbed by learners through fun learning, teaching materials are material or subject matter that is arranged systematically used by teachers and students in the learning process. Teaching material is a very important element that can support the learning process and is an important factor that greatly affects the quality of Education. Teaching materials are used by teachers and students at the time when the learning process takes place, in the absence of teaching materials, learning will be hampered and less than optimal in the achievement of learning objectives. Teaching materials serve as a source of learning for students, with the teaching materials then the role of teachers in the learning process is no longer as the main source in obtaining information about learning materials, as well as their students will be freer in obtaining information and knowledge about learning materials, because it can obtain material from various sources.

