Author Guidelines




The journal of 'ARABIYYA is a scientific periodical in the field of teacher training and education with an emphasis on Arabic Language and Arabic Linguistics. This journal accepts all articles related to the world of Arabic education. Editor and expert readers of this journal come from various groups who concentrate on Arabic education and linguistics. The following are guidelines and format for writing articles of Arabiyya Journals:

  1. Editors only accept articles written in Arabic. The article is not suited the requirements will be returned for revision by the authors accompanied by an explanation from the reviewers team. There are two basic categories of articles that are accepted:
  2. Full research article, which reports interesting and relevant research. In the discussion, it should be reported that research findings have high relevance and make new contributions to the field of Arabic education at the local, national and international levels.
  3. Non-research articles that provide detailed reports relating to aspects of Arabic education such as Arabic curriculum planning, Arabic literature or Arabic linguistics. The discussion carried out in the article is informative so that it was considered to have made an original contribution in the field of Arabic education, literature and Arabic linguistics. While articles that are only literature review cannot be accepted, unless the article is "a work of art" compiled comprehensively by an experienced expert.
  4. When submitting an article, it is stated whether it is a full research article or a non-research article. If it is non-research article, the authors are expected to provide an explanation in a paragraph about the relevance of the article to the readers of 'ARABIYYA Journal.
  5. The writers of 'ARABIYYA Journal must adopt the international standards in writing using the Chicago Style reference. More information about the format of the Chicago Style can be found at
  6. Manuscripts sent via online submission Journal of 'ARABIYYA with the address (register automatically under the web).
  7. Articles are written in MS Word (Microsoft Word Office) or Rich Text Format (RTF) format.
  8. Number of pages ranging from 10-15 pages, spacing 1 using Sakkal Majalla, fonts for journal contents 18 and fonts for footnote 14 (for Arabic articles), for Indonesian and English using Times New Roman with font 12 for journal contents, space 1,5 and font 10 for footnotes, space 1. It is typed on A4 paper. Paper margins are Top 3 cm, right side 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, and left side 3 cm.
  9. Keywords. All articles must include around 2-4 keywords at the beginning of the article to make it easier in finding articles using those for searching.
  10. Graphics and charts can be inserted at the body of the paper or inserted at the end of the paper. Graphics must not exceed A4 paper margins.
  11. Text format is in italic, bold and others as minimal as possible.
  12. Each article must be accompanied by "abstract" which contains a summary of information points of the article, which includes the purpose of writing the article, theoretical framework, methodology, type of data analyzed, information about the research subject, findings, and conclusions. The abstract must reflect the entire article. Abstract is written in three languages, namely English, Arabic and Indonesia.