19 تكوين المصطلحات العربية الحديثة خلال جائحة كوفيد
Language change and develop over time. The Covid-19 pandemic has at least had a positive impact on the development of the Arabic language. Many new words or terms are used to convey information related to the Covid-19 pandemic such as coronavirus, self-isolation, physical distancing, herd immunity, local transmission, cluster, lockdown, contact tracing, quarantine period, and others. Therefore, this article aims to describe the development of new Arabic terms during the Covid-19 pandemic and methods of formation Arabic terms. The descriptive-qualitative method is used in conducting this study. Moreover, the data collection techniqueused in this research is through documentation study and observation. Documentation study and observation are doneby observing the use of terms related to the Covid 19 pandemic in various media . The result of this study indicates that there is 3 process to forming new Arabic terms during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as namely translation, ta’rib, and isytiqaq. Firstly, translation is the transfer of meaning from the source language to the target language, and this method use tarkib idhafi and tarkib washfi to form new terms.Secondly, borrowing from foreign languages (ta`rîb) and thirdly, isytiqâq that is the use of old Arabic form to produce new words and terms.