تحليل اضطرابات الصوت العربي لدى طلاب برنامج دراسة تعليم اللغة العربية جامعة جامبي
As a means of communication, language is of course a very important element, considering that the most effective way of communication is by speaking. One of the studies in linguistics is phonology which discusses everything related to the sounds of language. This article will discuss the nature of interference and interference phenomena that occur in students of the Jambi University Arabic Language Education study program. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The instrument in this research uses an Arabic poetry text entitled "Ayyuhal Hubb" by Abu Al Qasim As-Syabi. And the data used in this research is the result of recordings of Arabic poetry read by respondents. There were 5 respondents from the Arabic Language Education Study Program class of 2020. Even though the phoneme is the smallest unit in language sounds, it has a very large role in determining the meaning of language sounds in Arabic. There are different errors from various sources in pronouncing Arabic consonants and Arabic vowels such as The consonants sound clear. Errors in pronouncing the fathah vowel phonemes such as ظلام, pronounced ظلم, both have similar sounds but different meanings. There is a deviation in the pronunciation of the tanwin sound but it is not emphasized when read. there are several consonant letters that do not match. like, (ذ،ق،ء،س،ش) some letters are not read. such as (ال، و) incorrect pronouncing of a word. Like (سلاف، كؤوسً، ضياء، وقرتيور). There are no consonant errors. There is a long vowel deviation (letter ra) in the sentence و قرتيور جائي, it should be read short. There is a deviation from the short vowel (letter lam) in the sentence من ظلام, it should be read long. Contrastive analysis is a method for comparing several elements of two languages. In this case, the languages being compared are Indonesian and Arabic in terms of phonemes. Phonemes are language sounds that influence meaning. Linguistic experts divide phonemes into 3 parts based on their characteristics, namely vowels, consonants and semi-vowels.
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