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At-Tasyri': Jurnal Ilmiah Prodi Muamalah (e-ISSN: 2715-7865; p-ISSN: 2085-2541); is national journal published by Departement Of Hukum Ekonomi Syariah STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, Indonesia. The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies and book reviews of Islamic law, Law and state Goverment, Islamic Finance, Islamic business and Management. The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is on June and December (2 issues per year). And registered online since Volume 9, 2018. This journal has been accredited with Sinta 4 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Number 72/E/KPT/2024.
At-Tasyri' is a blind reviewed journal published twice a year. This journal focuses on various aspects of Islamic law both in the realm of muamalah and Islamic economics. Islamic law at this time needs to be applied massively in the life of society and also universities. as part of scientific promotion in broad society, At-Tasyri 'provides opportunities for academics, thinkers, activists and stakeholders to express their thoughts in this journal. in order to achieve a massive Islamic legal civilization in the world.
Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of AT-Tasyri' should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.
AT-Tasyri' does not charge for the submission papers. All processes of article publication are free of charge.