تحليل الأخطاء النطقيه الأستاذ إيفي أفندي لسورة البقرة ٢٢١ على موقع يوتيوب: قناة كانغ ماهزون

  • laeli rizki amalia UIN sunan ampel surabaya
Keywords: Mispronunciation, Al-Baqarah, Youtube Channel.


This study aims to find out the forms of Ustadz Evi Effendi's pronunciation errors in reading Surat al Baqarah verse 221 on YouTube. In this study, the researcher only focused on the analysis of pronunciation errors and short readings in Surah Al Baqarah verse 221. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, namely a method by collecting data, analyzing it and then describing it. The results showed that the researcher found three forms of pronunciation errors: Substitution, Omission and Addition. In the Subtitution there are two types of mispronunciation of the letter hamza which should be read ain, and in the form of mispronunciation of the letter ain which must be read hamzah. In the Omission there are two words that are mispronounced and in the Addition there is one word that is mispronounced.


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