إجراء تعليم القواعد النحوية باستخدام خريطة المفاهيم لقسم تعليم اللغة العربية في الجامعة الإسلامية الحكومية لنجسا

  • Rahmatun Nisak IAIN LANGSA
  • Khuzaimah Alfisyahrina IAIN Langsa
Keywords: Qawa'id Nahwiyah Learning, Mind Mapping


Mind mapping is one of the learning media that play an important role in improving students' ability to understand the material. In this study, researchers used mind mapping in Qawa'idun nahwi learning at the Arabic Language Education Study Program, IAIN Langsa. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using mind mapping media. in learning qawa'idun nahwi and knowing the increase in student responses in learning Qawa'idun Nahwi. The research method that researchers use in this study is Experimental Research. Research instrument for collecting test data and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the application of mind mapping media can increase student responses in learning, based on the results of the questionnaire showing that students like qawa'id learning and can improve students' abilities in Qawa'idun Nahwi learning and can improve student responses. The proof is that the results of the experimental group are higher than the control group because it is calculated that the results (T-TEST=3.41) are greater than (T-TABEL=1.761).
