The objective of the research was to analyze the implementation of stages in therapeutic communication and its enabling and inhibiting factors and to find its model in accompanying a child as the victims of violent action at P2TP2A, Aceh Province. The research used qualitative method with case study approach. The Data were gathered by conducting interviews, observation and documentary study. The informants were two counselors, two psychologists, a case manager and a paralegal. The result of the research showed that the process of therapeutic communication in accompanying a child as the victim of violent action had some stages: pre-interaction, acquaintanceship, working, and terminating. Its enabling factors were the attitude of psychologists and counselors, their competence, the attitude of the child as the victim, social support and socio-cultural background. The inhibiting factors were the impediment from the counseling room and the psychological condition of the psychologist/counselor and the child as the victim of violent action.
Keywords: Therapeutic Communication, Child Accopaniment, Child as the Victim of Violent Action, Aceh Province.
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