على ترقية مهارة الاستماع (Sound Record) فعّالية تعليم الأصوات باستخدام وسيلة تسجيل الصوت

بحث تجريبي بالمدرسة الثانوية الحكومية دوماي

  • Irmasani Daulay STAIN Mandailing Natal
Keywords: فعّالية تعليم الأصوات, تسجيل الصوت, ترقية مهارة الاستماع


This research is experiment research. This study aims to determine the application of Ashwat Teaching by Using Media sound record to Improve Listening Skill for students MAN Dumai. Problem formulation In this study is whether Ashwat Teaching by Using Media sound record effective for Hearing skills for students. Data collection techniques: (1) Observation and (2) Test. The results of the analysis of data obtained on Ashwat Teaching using Media sound record to improve the skill of Hearing for students based on observations obtained 90% means "Very Good" from level 81-100%. And test results from the analysis of data obtained, it can be concluded that Ashwat Teaching using Media sound record to improve the skill of Hearing for students based on the calculation using statistics with it; The value of To = 6.4 is greater than Tt at the significance level of 1% = 2.86 and the significance level of 5% = 2.09. Means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.
