استخدام فيلم "قصص القرآن" لترقية رغبة الطلبة في الكلام العربي
بحث تجريبي بالمدرسة العالية الأهلية جبل نور لوك سيماوي
The researcher chose this title because learning Arabic using films is believed to be effective in increasing students' interest in speaking Arabic. The problem that occurs at MAS JabalNur is that there are many students who have no interest and cannot speak Arabic when the learning process takes place. Teachers use less teaching media in learning speaking skills. Therefore, the researcher chose an effort to increase students' interest in speaking by using the “ahkamulqur'an film. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using the film "Stories in Al-Qur'an" to increase students' interest in speaking skills. . The approach that the researcher uses is a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. The population in this study were all students of class two at MAS JabalNur and the sample was class 2-1 students who were taken by purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used by the researcher is by using the test. The data collected were analyzed using the test-t at a significant level of 5%=2.09. From the results of data processing, it is obtained that t-count> t-table is 7.059 > 2.09 so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted in other words that the use of the film “Stories in Al-Qur’an” is effective in increasing students' desire and interest in speaking using Arabic.