أهمية المفردات في تعليم مهارات اللغة الأربع

  • Aan Muhammady STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh
Keywords: Arabic Vocabularies, Study, Language Skills


The purpose of  this article is to describe the urgency of teaching vocabularies in learning Arabic, especially about the four main skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The result of this study shows that language experts agree that learning vocabulary will greatly affect either success or fail of a student in mastering language skills. A student will never be able to understand an expression he hears without knowing the meaning of a vocabulary well. After understanding what he heard, he must also convey his understanding to others using good vocabulary as well. So there is a strong relationship between listening skills and speaking skills. The same applies to the reading and writing skills of student or language learner. In addition, when learning vocabulary is also related to understanding its use in the appropriate context. Thus, the purpose of learning Arabic will provide significant benefits for a student.
