يجب إعادة صياغتها (Facebook):النصوص المترجمة عبر الترجمة الآلية في

  • Faris Maturedy IAIN Jember
  • Wildana Wargadinata UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
  • Wihdatul Hasanah SD Muhammadiyah 01 Tanggul
Keywords: Facebook, Translitrasi, Parafrasa, Tarjamah Arabiyyah, Translation Paraphrase


The limited understanding of a foreign language can become an obstacle in understanding messages written in that language. So, users of these foreign languages ​​need translation to understand the language. Nowadays, translation is made easier with Google's translation feature. Even Facebook also provides a direct translation feature. However, new problems arise with this digital translation. Namely, the inaccuracy of the translation results between the source language and the target language as happened in the Facebook translation feature. This study aims to describe the problems with the translation results of Facebook. This study used a qualitative approach and was analyzed descriptively. The result of this research is that the Facebook translation feature cannot be used to translate the whole text. Apart from that, there are some aspects of Facebook's inaccuracies. So that users who translate Facebook need to reread the translation results from Facebook by paraphrasing.

Author Biographies

Wildana Wargadinata, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Bahasa dan Sastra Arab

Wihdatul Hasanah, SD Muhammadiyah 01 Tanggul

Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
