استخدام فيديو الكرتون لترقية قدرة الطلبة على مهارة الاستماع

  • Jailani STAIN Teungku Dirundeng
Keywords: Kompetensi Mendengar, Vidio Kartun, Peningkatan, Cartoon video, improvement, listening competence


Learning media is an element of some important factors in learning proces for achievenent of educational goals. Learning media is a method in which the teachers as an implementer of learning activities for imparting knowledge to student. The application of this media must be appropriate with the material which can realize the goal of education. Cartun vidios method is a media that requires student to concern about thier skill on learning, comprohending, expressing, reading and writing. The media requires student to listen and repeat what is head in the form of arabic speech until they can speak an converse in arabic.
