الانحرافات للمبادئ التعاونية في المحادثات الفكاهية في كتاب نوادر المتزوجين لعبد العزيز البيومي: تحليل براغماتي
This research analyzes various violations of cooperative principle in Nawadiru al-Mutazawwijin written by ‘Abdu Al-‘Aziz Al-Bayumi. The aim of this research is to describe kinds of violations in cooperative principle and the usage of thoseviolations to set up humour in Nawadiru al-Mutazawwijin. This research applied the theory of cooperative principle which was outlined by Grice (1975) who divided utterances into maxims. The analysis method which applied in this research is distribute method and subsitute technique.The outcome of this research discovered that violation of cooperative principle in Nawadiru al-Mutazawwijin’s anecdote was intentionally delivering the information by violating cooperative principles in purpose to emerge the humour effects within. Those violations occurred after the discourse has been made which willfully violating maxims contained in the cooperative principle، then disrupt the communication later