استخدام كتاب "في التطبيق النحوي والصرفي" بالطريقة القياسية في ترقية سيطرة الطلبة على الجملة الاسمية بـ معهد دار العلوم بندا أتشية

  • Kasful Anwar STIT Syamsuddhuha Aceh Utara


Every “kalam” in Arabic is a sentence “jumlah”. The ability of student to express something in their mind’s, or their heart’s, or convey the idea, or giving information to other, or reading comprehension, or daring to speak  with Arabs, or interaction with other is affected by understanding of the “jumlah”. The problem which experienced by student in class Va in Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School is understanding of “jumlah ismiyah” was still little bit. Therefore, expected to teachers who teach nahwu’s lesson to use a method or a correspond’s book. And name of the book is at- Tathbiq an-Nahwi wa as-Sharfi. The aim of this research is to know effectiveness at- Tathbiq an-Nahwi wa as-Sharfi book to inprove the ability of student in the “jumlah ismiyah”. The method of this research is Quasi Experiment. Meanwhile population is all student in class v Darul Ulum. And while the sample is all student in class va, there are 28 students. The result of this research was showed that use at- Tathbiq an-Nahwi wa as-Sharfi book to inprove the ability of student in the “jumlah ismiyah” is effective. According result  bingger than .
