تحليل الأخطأ الصوتية في نطق مفردات اللغة العربية لدى الطلبة في مدرسة الإبراهيمي المتوسطة غرسيك
Phonological errors in Arabic pronunciation are normal in the language learning process, especially when someone is learning a new language or when a child is developing their speaking skills. Therefore, this simple research seeks to highlight forms of phonetic errors in Arabic vocabulary, in addition to identifying problems faced by middle school students in pronouncing Arabic vocabulary. Researchers use the case study method which comes from a qualitative research approach. The main data sources are students and Arabic language teachers, while secondary data are books and scientific journals related to the research subject. Data were collected through three methods, namely observation, interviews, and documentation, which were then analyzed descriptively interactively. All data is checked for validity through the source triangulation method and the accuracy of observations. The results of this research are: 1) The most prominent form of phonological error experienced by students is substitution, namely the pronunciation of words that are close and similar in their output in such a way that it is difficult for them to identify the differences between them. Likewise with missing, namely the pronunciation of Arabic vocabulary which has a long origin in its pronunciation, where students pronounce it in short form or vice versa. 2) The problems faced by students in connection with phonological errors are divided into two, namely linguistic and non-linguistic problems.
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