تحليل أنواع المجازفي سورة البقرة

  • Tamim Mulloh UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
  • ade destri deviana STIQ Amuntai
  • Abdul Latif MAN 1 Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Keywords: Majaz Aqli, Majaz Mursal, Metafora


Majaz is a pronunciation not original meaning due to the existence of a relationship (alaqah) and a sign or indicator (qarinah) that divert a person's understanding from reaching its originals meaning. Majaz is part of the beauty of words found in the Indonesian language. This research combines Arabic majaz with Indonesian to facilitate students' understanding of majaz, especially undergraduates. This analysis is on Surah Al Baqarah, which has Majaz expressions that are not the original meaning. This research uses data referring to the books of Tafsir and Balaghah to find out the original meaning of the expression. This research aims to find the verses about the contain majaz and the types of majaz in Surah Al-Baqarah. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis. Research results show that there are 29 Majaz with the type: Majaz Aqli Majaz Aqli (anthropomorphism) there are 2, Majaz Mursal (metonymy) there are 3, Majaz Mursal bi al alaqah (synecdoke) there are 4, Isti'arah tashrihiyyah wa maknawiyyah (metaphor) there are 15, Isti 'arah Tabi'iyyah (personification) there are 2, and Isti'arah Tamtsiliyyah wa al-akhar there are 5.

