التقويم الأصيل في تعلم اللغة العربية

  • Zakiyah Isnawati IAIN Kudus
  • Faiz Ainul Azizah IAIN Kudus
Keywords: Authentic, Assessment, Arabic Learning Language, Otentik, Penilaian, Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab


In the field of education there are two definitions of the resulting learning outcomes. The first, meaning of assessment as assessment, and the second meaning of assessment as evaluation. Assessment as assessment is a process of collecting the results of student learning outcomes obtained through measurement to explain or analyze the student's performance in working on the tasks given by the teacher. While the assessment as evaluation is an activity designed to measure the effectiveness of learning involving a number of determinants of successful learning. The authentic assesment is one type of assessment in the meaning of the assessment, so in English is called Authentic Assessment. There are several kinds of authentic assessments that can be used to teachers to evaluate the knowledge and speech of speaking students, example journals, observations, judgment, and portfolios.
