عملية تعليم مهارة الكلام بالطريقة المباشرة (دراسة الحالة في المدرسة المتوسطة إسلامية متكاملة أذكياء بادانج)
The purpose of this research is motivated by the advantages and privileges of Arabic teachers, Arabic teachers always use direct methods in the explanning learning material, and teachers also use direct methodsin the Arabic language learning peocess at school, the purpose of this research is to find out how to plan, implementation and evalution of learning speaking skills using the direct method and to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of learning Arabic at SMP IT Adzkia Padang. The type of research used is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that in process of teaching theskill of speaking by direct metod in the SMP IT Adzkia Padang, the concluded in conducting learning planning of teaching plan RPP that as been used, In the implementation of teaching the Arabic language, the teacher gets used to always using the Arabic language in explaining the subject, and the Arabic language teacher cooperates with the English language. In the evaluation of teaching the Arabic language, is the divided into the conciliatory evaluation, the knowledge evaluation, then the skill evaluation. Giving the pratice of the dialogue material in the from of oral, then giving the evaluation, then the skill evaluation in the from of questions with exercises for vucabullary, and with exercises for the dialogue written. Factors supporting Arabic learning means having a billingual (Arabic and English day) and Factors hindering Arabic learning in the direct method way because of the pipil’s heterogeneus condition