نظرية القرائن اللفظية عند تمام حسان وارتباطها بتعليم النحو لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية
This scientific study originated from the difficulties of students in learning Arabic، especially Nahwu science. This happens because teaching materials in Nahwu science contain a lot of philosophical values so that students find it difficult to understand. In addition, the Nahwu science compiled by classical scholars reduces to one qorinah or guide، namely i'rob. Therefore, there needs to be a renewal of theory in classical Nahwu science which can make it easier for students. There are two objectives of this study، namely (1) to explain the renewal of Nahwu science by Tammam Hassan. (2) explaining its relevance to Nahwu learning materials for non-Arabic speakers. This research is a qualitative research, the type of research is library research. The results of this study are to offer a new Nahwu theory conducted by Tammam Hassan namely al-Qarain al-Lafdziyyah. The theory of al-Qarain al-Lafdziyyah has eight directions (qarinah) including: qarinah al-i'rab, qarinah al-rutbah, qarinah al-syiyaghoh, qarinah al-muthabaqoh, qarinah al-rabth, qarinah al-tadhom, qarinah al-adhat, and qarinah al-tanghim.