تأثير لغة الجايو في نطق الحروف العربية

  • Maulidati Abdullah IAIN Takengon
Keywords: Gayonese language, pronunciation of Arabic letters


This study aimed to find out the extent of the influence of the Gayonese language on the pronunciation of Arabic letters. This study was conducted on several PBA (Arabic Education Department) students of IAIN Takengon level I and II as well as students of the Al-Qur’an learning class at the Khazanatul Ilmi study center in the Keramat Mufakat Village, Bebesen District, Aceh Tengah. This study was categorised as qualitative method. The research instrument was the oral test in reading Arabic letters, words, sentences and several verses of Al Quranul Karim. The results of the study revealed that there was an influence of Gayonese language on the pronunciation of Arabic letters. This is indicated by the presence of several hijaiyah letters which were read not in accordance with the makharijul letters and were replaced by pronunciation with closer sounds. In addition, there were also students who had no difficulty at all in pronouncing Arabic letters because they have studied the Quranul Karim, Tajwid, and Makharijul letters since they were very young, and they are used to reading the Quranul Karim all the time so that their tongue could adjust to Arabic.
