الأنشطة اللغوية لترقية مهارة الكلام بمعهد دارالسلام كونتور
There are four language skills that need attention when learning Arabic, but more attention should be paid to speaking skill as it will affect other language skills. From this perspective, Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor For Girls First Campus is very concerned about the four language skills, especially speaking skills seen from the goal of learning Arabic in Gontor, namely the ability of female students to speak using the official language. With this aim in mind, the boarding school pays attention to the speaking skills of the girls through various linguistic activities that can improve the speaking skills of the girls at Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor For Girls First Campus. In this study, descriptive qualitative research was used. Data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation. In this study, an interactive model is used in data analysis, adapted from Miles and Huberman and consisting of 3 stages: data collection, data presentation and inference. The results of this study, 1) Ta'bir syafahi, 2) Speech, 3) Idhof lughowii, 4) Mukhoyyam al-mukatsaf verb lughoh arabiyah, 5) Drama Competition, 6) Language art exhibition, 7) Queen and Princess of Language, 8) Fathul Kutubfor class 5 and 6.