الاستعارة في الأحاديث النبوية من كتاب اللؤلؤ والمرجان

  • Fatkhul Ulum Universitas Negeri Makassar
Keywords: Metaphor, prophetic hadiths, the book al-Luklukwa al-Marjan


This study aims to determine the isti'arah language style (metaphor) in the hadith of the Prophet from the book Al-Lukluk wa Al-Marjan. This research is a literature research that uses descriptive analytical method. The descriptive approach is based on the study of scientific sources related to the topic, while the analytical method is based on scientific analysis of the hadiths of the Prophet SAW. which is included in the metaphorical style as well as the opinions of scholars and balaghah experts. The results of this study indicate that metaphors in the Prophet's hadith from the book Al-Lukluk wa Al-Marjan are widespread in various topics, including in the chapters of aqidah, worship, mu'amalat, morals and others. This research has confirmed the fluency of the isti'arah language style, including Al-Ijaz which is to give many meanings with short words, including visualizing a meaning and giving descriptions of things that are abstract, especially those related to the unseen, where meaning is transformed into something that is alive or moving images and characters so that it is easier to digest in the mind, because something that can be sensed will have a stronger impact and further emphasize the meaning.
