(تدريس الصرف بمعهد نهضة العلوم وبستان العلوم (دراسة مقارنة في كفاءة الطلاب
Sharf learning in dayah Nahdhatul Ulum is helping students in understand the reading of the book turats are often referred to as the yellow book of various sciences such as fiqh, ushul fiqh, tauhid, nahwu, sharf, balaghah, tafsir, and tasawuf. So also with learning sharf in dayah Bustanul Ulum which focuses on learning book turats. Therefore, in learning sharf given a variety of examples. The purpose of this research is to know the desire of students in learning sharf in two dayah, to know the method of learning sharf in two dayah, and to know the difference of student learning result in two dayah. The research methodology used is comparative research. To get the data, the researcher conducted direct observation, questionnaire, and interview. The results obtained from this study are students in two dayah are very happy to learn sharf, the teachers in two dayah is using the method qawa'id wa tarjamah in teaching sharf, and differences in student learning outcomes in sharf in two dayah is only 3.61 from 74.33 - 70.72