@sastraarabcom النقد على ترجمة الـمقتطفات العربيّة في الإنستغرام

  • Siti Alfi Aliyah UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Raihan Safira Aulia UIN SunanKalijaga Yogyakarta
Keywords: Arabic Quotes, Translation, Translation Criticism


This research is a critique of the translation of quotes contained on the @sastraarabcom Instagram account. With this research, the researcher tries to reveal the forms of errors contained in the translation of these quotations. In addition, researchers also try to provide solutions to justify inaccurate translations. This research is based on Peter Newmark's theory of translation criticism. The method used in analyzing the data is descriptive analysis method, namely by describing the forms of errors contained in the translation of these quotations. The researcher also presents the original text and its translation, then analyzes both, and finally provides the appropriate translation. This study concludes that the form of errors found by the researchers in the translation focuses on two points, namely (1) referential errors, which include errors in the use of diction, addition, and subtraction of inappropriate words or sentences. (2) linguistic errors, namely errors that occur in morphology and syntax. The morphological errors occur in the form of words, while syntactic errors occur in the arrangement of words or sentences. In this study, the researcher has also suggested alternative translations that are more appropriate for these errors.
