A Contrastive Analysis of Basic Sentence Patterns in Arabic and Acehnese


Contrastive Analysis
Basic Sentence


This study aims to compare the sentence structure patterns in Arabic and Acehnese. This research employs a qualitative method with a contrastive approach. Data collection was conducted through documentation, and data analysis utilized a contrastive analysis technique that compares the basic sentence patterns in Arabic and Acehnese. The data sources for this study include conversations in A cehnese and Arabic, as well as reference books. The data sources for this study include conversations in Acehnese and Arabic, as well as reference books.  By using the contrastive analysis approach of the sentence patterns in Arabic and Acehnese, this study reveal that basic sentence patterns in Arabic share similarities with Acehnese, particularly the S+P (Subject + Predicate) pattern and the presence of predicate elements that are not limited to verbs. Additionally, certain sentence patterns are found in Arabic but not in Acehnese, and vice versa. For instance, the Object + Predicate + Subject structure in Arabic does not appear in Acehnese. In Acehnese, sentences are also not typically initiated with a verb-based predicate. In cases where Arabic uses transitive verbs, the structure tends to follow a Predicate + Subject + Object pattern, whereas the Subject + Predicate + Object structure in Acehnese is rarely found in Arabic sentences. Furthermore, there is no rule in Acehnese that places the object at the beginning of the sentence.



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