Tariqah as a medium for religious social communication is still questioned in the Islamic spiritual tradition. The main issue in this study is the Tariqah as a medium of spiritual communication among the people of Aceh. The role of Tariqah in strengthening spirituality has played a role in developing Islam. The Tariqah plays a role in promoting socio-religious values among Islamic communities. Case study research collects data through observation, interviews and participants. This qualitative data was obtained from a number of leaders of the Mufarridiyah Tariqah and Naqshabadiyyah Tariqah on the north coast of Aceh. From the results of the field study, it was found that the Tariqah as a social-religious medium still plays a role in communicating spiritual aspects after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Tariqah is still practiced by its followers during and after Covid-19 on the north coast of Aceh, the Tariqah is still believed to be a way of strengthening spirituality, the Tariqah playing a role in educating the public about Covid-19, Tariqah is also involved in preventive measures against the spread of Covid-19 and increasing public awareness.
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