• Early Ridho Kismawadi IAIN LANGSA
  • T. Hervasha IAIN LANGSA
  • Muhammad Syahril IAIN Langsa
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Islamic Finance, Blockchain, Algorithms, Fraud Detection


The main objective of this research is to examine how artificial intelligence can be used to optimise the application of sharia principles in Islamic financial institutions. The research will specifically focus on conducting juridical-economic investigations to prevent fraud. This research seeks to enhance the security of transactions and operations in Islamic financial institutions by assessing the role of artificial intelligence. It also aims to examine the ethical efficiency and compliance implications of integrating artificial intelligence with sharia principles. Additionally, the research aims to create predictive models and algorithms using artificial intelligence to identify fraud patterns that contravene sharia principles. Furthermore, it aims to establish a legal framework that facilitates the use of artificial intelligence in combating fraud within institutions. The findings demonstrate that the implementation of artificial intelligence can greatly enhance the security of transactions and operations within Islamic financial institutions. The incorporation of artificial intelligence into sharia principles enhances efficiency and ethical adherence. Additionally, the creation of prediction models and artificial intelligence algorithms effectively identifies fraudulent tendencies that contravene sharia rules. The research has several consequences, namely, the need to guarantee the security of Islamic financial services, enhance public confidence, and promote the establishment of policies that foster innovation in the Islamic financial sector. The report suggests that Islamic financial institutions should adopt artificial intelligence as a proactive measure to combat fraud. Governments might utilise the research findings as a basis for formulating policies that facilitate the incorporation of artificial intelligence in Islamic financial institutions. These proposals urge technology suppliers, Islamic consultants, and regulators to actively participate in applying research findings, guiding ethical norms, and establishing rules that promote innovation in the Islamic financial industry. Therefore, this research significantly contributes to the development of a financial ecosystem that prioritises safety, fairness, and adherence to sharia principles for the betterment of society.


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