This study aims to conduct an in-depth literature review on the role of edu-technopreneurship in the business development of education in the digital era where information and communication technology has drastically changed the educational landscape. As a theoretical framework, this research combines various relevant theories, including edu-technopreneurship theory, educational innovation theory, business model development theory, technology-based learning theory, social change theory, educational business economic theory, and entrepreneurship and innovation theory. This research will conduct an in-depth study of the concept of edu-technopreneurship, which combines elements of education, entrepreneurship, and technology based on the flow of literature review research methods. Researchers seek to analyze how technology-based educational innovations affect business development in the field of education. The results of the research obtained show that edu-technopreneurship can provide better insight into the role of technology in the transformation of education and education business in the digital era. With a deeper understanding of relevant theories, edu-technopreneurship can be a new concept for education practitioners and entrepreneurs who want to develop businesses in the field of sustainable and innovative education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mikyal Hardiyati, Maulida Rizqia, Nurzakiah Simangunsong, Dea Rakhimafa Wulandari

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