• Nurfadilah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Modernity, Product Competition, Income


The realities of modernity tend to degrade the local wisdom of indigenous communities who utilize natural resources as an economic livelihood, such as the kepisang tradition in Rusaba Village, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. The banana tradition is a community culture that uses bananas as a source of community income. This research aims to analyze the phenomena and factors that influence the durability of Rusaba people's traditional products with other products which are increasingly heterogeneous today.This research uses a qualitative phenomenological approach with data collection methods, through observation and interviews and sample selection using a purposive sampling technique of ten people including traditional leaders, village heads, village secretaries, members of the Dharma Wanita and several planters and traders. The results of the research reveal that the existence of local kepisang wisdom as a source of income for the Rusaba community is starting to be eroded by foreign products due to low product quality, uncompetitive prices, lack of understanding of market share, poor brand image perception, low use of technology, and lack of protectionism. from local government. To increase the competitiveness of local products, governments and local producers can work together to address these issues through investment in innovation, infrastructure improvements, regulatory reform, and other efforts.


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