The acceleration of digital transformation in the financial sector is growing so rapidly which is marked by the growth of Financial Technology (FinTech) and the high public interest in using FinTech services. This development also propagates to the digital philanthropy movement, one of which is through online donation platforms (E-Donation) where young people are a group that has considerable potential in accumulating donations digitally in Indonesia in the period leading up to the demographic bonus. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the interest of the younger generation in donating to the e-donation platform with a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory approach using the Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) model analysis method of mediation effects in Langsa City. The variables used in this study are Knowledge, Perception of Usability, Ease of Use, Web Security Trust as an independent variable, Attitude as a mediating variable. The respondents who are the focus of this study are people who fall into the relevant generation Z category that have used Fintech services (17-26 years) which were randomly taken with a total of 79 samples. The results showed that the variables Perception of Usability and Ease of Use influenced interest both directly and through the mediation effect with a stronger influence with the mediation effect. While the perception of web security has not affected interest, which means it implies that generation Z is still hesitant about web security on e-donation platforms which can occur due to the rampant fraud through digital platforms widely. The results of this study imply that the improvement of the cyber security system, especially on financial platforms specifically on e-donation, to get more attention related to the level of security so that public trust and interest in donating is maintained.
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