Based on the identification of the question in the student book Islamic Religious Education and Ethics Revision 2017 Grade VII Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture that the total number of questions as many as 260 questions. The number of multiple choice questions there are as many as 130 questions and the number of questions uraian as many as 130 questions. The assessment instrument indicated in HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) is a multiple choice of 0 questions, while the description question is 0 questions. The purpose of this study is to analyze hots-based assessment instruments in the Islamic Religious Education and Ethics Student Book Revision 2017 Grade VII Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This research is a library research (Library Reseach), with data collection techniques through documents. Data analysis used is content analysis. The primary data source of this study is the Islamic Religious Education and Ethics Student Book Revision 2017 Grade VII Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The primary data sources in this study are books and research journals related to HOTS assessment instruments. The results showed that the hots (Higher Order Thinking Skill) assessment instrument in the Islamic Religious Education and Ethics Student Book Revision 2017 Grade VII Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture seen from the cognitive level showed that the book has not met the cognitive level of hots-based assessment instruments. There are 130 multiple choice questions and 130 description questions in the book, which include hots-based assessment instruments of C4 cognif level (analyzing) the form of multiple choice questions and 0% descriptions, C5 questions of multiple choice and description questions of 0%, and C6 questions (creating) multiple choice and 0% description questions. Thus, the question in the Student Book of Islamic Religious Education and Ethics Revision 2017 Grade VII Issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture is not included in the HOTS level.
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