The research aims to discuss the concept of halal tourism based on local wisdom in Aceh Province. The concept of tourism development that remains in synergy with the cultural values of the Acehnese people who are thick with Islamic values. The people of Aceh have a strong commitment to implement Islamic law in a kaffah manner and in all activities of life. Tourism development should not undermine the implementation of Islamic Sharia in Aceh province. This research uses a literature review approach that gathers information from various studies. This research shows that the concept of halal tourism developed in Aceh province should consider three key factors. First, halal tourism must be developed based on the values of Islamic law, based on national law and qanun (regional regulations). Second, the importance of halal certification in hospitality services. Third, halal tourism management is also expected to focus on tourism objects, tourism marketing, tourism industry and institutional development based on SWOT analysis. These three factors need to be fully supported by government policies and the Islamic finance industry. This research is expected to contribute to the development of a local wisdom-based halal tourism industry that is capable of improving the welfare of the community.
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