The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of euphemisms in news headlines of mass media in Indonesia. The urgency of this study is the very important role of headlines in shaping readers' perception and understanding. The method used is qualitative with a semantic study approach to track changes in meaning. The data studied are 25 news headlines from various online mass media in Indonesia. The results of the study found five forms of euphemism that are often used as language censorship, namely yaitu lakalantas, tunarungu, gratifikasi, pramuria, and pekerja migran Indonesia in news headlines. The five vocabularies are used as euphemisms for language censorship and help reduce the possibility of content that is too harsh or sensitive to be conveyed to the public. By replacing harsh words or phrases with more subtle expressions, the mass media attempt to create a sense of civility in the delivery of information. The results of the study relate to literacy learning in this digital era through three learning targets, namely literacy learning in Indonesia, literacy learning for BIPA, literacy learning for Indonesian schools in Malaysia. This study provides an overview of the phenomenon of euphemism in news headlines, it is hoped that this study can provide valuable insights for mass media practitioners, academics, and the general public in understanding the important role of news headlines in Indonesian information culture.
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