Al-Wasaailul lil Katruuniati wa Tahdiaatut Ta’limil Yaumi.

  • Sullati Armawi Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: E-Media, Education Challenges


This study aims to describe the electronic means and the challenges of education today by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages. The researcher used qualitative approach and descriptive method in the presence of data. Then researcher analyzed the data by analytic theory, Myles and Hebermann, including the intensification, presentation and conclusion of the data. The Research results are online learning that teachers and students do that is very useful for students to
be able to learn more actively and independently. The advantages of e-learning include promoting good interaction between students and lecturers. Availability of learning resources is not limited to existing books and learning aids. Properly developed electronic means will be effective in improving the quality of graduates and the quality of higher education. Forming an educational community that interacts, gives and takes the other and is not limited to one place. Their flaws can disrupt the process of socialization and can be the use of poor Internet access and limited and sporadic Internet access somewhere.
