استخدام كتاب القصص النحوي لترقية سيطرة الطلاب على النحو

(دراسة تجريبية بمعهد بستان الجنة بــــNagan Raya)

  • Hidayatil Muslimah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh
  • Muhammad Zulfahmi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry
Keywords: Qashas An-Nahwi book, improve, Arabic grammatical skills


Base on the observation at the Bustanul Jannah Junior High school the writer found that the majoring of student of Bustanul Jannah have low level of competance in Nahwu, they are not able to comprehend qawaidNahwu, and to apply it correctly when reading an arabic text. This is because the teachers do not use a correct and interesting text book in the techingnahwu. Therefore, The recearcher chose the title The Use of  “Qashas An-Nahwi” book to improve Arabic grammatial skills for student (experimental study at Bustanul Jannah Junior High School Nagan Raya). The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiviness of using “Qhasas An-Nahwi text book to improve students ability of Nahwu, and to find out of student response of using Qashas An-Nahwi text book to improve their ability in Nahwu. This research use a qualitative approach to the type of experimental study, the population of this reseach was all students academic year 2019-2020 at Bustanul Jannah Junior high School they were 84 student. The sample of this research was 20 students from the population who were chosen randomly. The instrument used in this research were test (pre-test and pos-test) and questionnaire. Base on result of the research it was faound that Nahwu learning process by using Qhasas An Nahwi text book effective to improve student ability in Nahwu because the researcher foun that the result of calculation is large than the result of of T-Table (2,09<9,37>2,87), and that students response to the Nahwu learning process by using Qhasas An Nahwi text book is positive base on the data obtained in the student response table whith a percentage of 93,56%  positive and 6,44% negative.
