• Sumardi Efendi Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh
  • Erha Saufan Hadana Universitas Iskandar Muda Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Aceh, Criminal Law, Social Development


Changes and social developments in people's lives will have consequences for legal changes in various aspects of life because these various aspects are interrelated with each other. Changes and social developments that occur in society necessitate a change in the conception of crime in criminal law. Therefore, the crime itself is one of the means to tackle crime, while the crime itself is the impact of social changes and developments. The presence of criminal law with all its concepts and characteristics is essentially a response to various destructive social phenomena that occur in society. The public will be in a state of disorder if it is not "guarded" by criminal law. Aceh, after the regulation of the jinayah qanun was passed, certainly provided a breakthrough in the concept of criminal law in Indonesia, where the shift in criminal sanctions given in the form of imprisonment turned into uqubat whips for perpetrators of crimes. The goal to be achieved is to see how the social life of the Acehnese people contributes to changes in the concept of criminal law that has existed so far, by using the literature review method with a conceptual and historical approach so that later it will be found that the dynamics of changing criminal law in Aceh are strongly influenced by social developments because they are faced with challenges. ever-changing social reality
