'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya <p><strong>‘Arabiyya</strong> is a Journal of Arabic Studies published by the Arabic Language Education Program, Department of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic College (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh. This journal <strong>has been accredited</strong> by the Minister of Research and technology/Head of the National research and innovation agency of Republic of Indonesia (SK Number 200/M/KPT/2020). This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, Arabic Linguistic, Arabic Literature, Arabic History, History of Arabic Education, Strategy of Arabic Teaching, Arabic Islamic Culture, Media of Arabic Teaching, Technology of Arabic Teaching,Modern Standard Arabic and Arabic Second Language Acquisition.<br><strong>Journal Secretariat Address:<br></strong>Arabic Language Education Program<br>State Islamic College (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh<br>Address: Lingkar Kampus Street, Alue Peunyareng, Gunong Kleng, Meureubo - West Aceh.<br>Postal Code: 23615 Tel/Fax (0655) 7551591 E-mail: arabiyyah@staindirundeng.ac.id</p> Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh Aceh Barat en-US 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB 2338-4964 نموذج تعليم البلاغة في معهد السلفية بأتشيه : الفرص والتحديات https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/3654 <p>The purpose of this article is to describe the reality of the implementation of balaghah learning at Salafi Boarding School in Aceh and to describe the opportunities and challenges of implementation balaghah learning at Salafi Boarding School in Aceh. In this study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The researcher uses some data collection techniques in this study: interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of balaghah learning at Salafi boarding school in Aceh continues to use the halaqah method. Learning of balaghah is carried out in the form of face-to-face meetings, not online meetings. This is done because of the boarding school culture that requires the presence of students in the context of living in Islam. This learning model begins with reading <em>kitab</em> and conducting a discussion between teacher and student. Balaghah learning in Salafi boarding schools is used as a tool to understand fiqh and tauhid. The exam is carried out orally, which will later be implemented in the fiqh. The assessment aspect is related to <em>i'rab</em>, <em>tarjamah</em>, and <em>matan</em>. The learning media used in balaghah learning in Salafi boarding schools is still traditional so the development of learning technology is certainly an opportunity and challenge for Salafi Islamic boarding schools to maintain their existence. One opportunity that can be taken by Salafi Islamic boarding schools is to make modifications so that they can maintain their existence to provide benefits to society. Salafi Islamic boarding schools need to modify the curriculum by adjusting to the development of science and technology. The use of technology in balaghah learning also needs to be done as part of the adjustment to the increasingly rapid development of science and technology. Salafi boarding schools also need to make efforts to improve and update the curriculum structure which includes planning, implementation and evaluation to meet the demands of students and society.</p> Banta Ali Putri Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 188 206 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.3654 قدرة الطلبة على النحو بقسم تعليم اللغة العربية (المقارنة بين متخرجي المعهد وMAN وSMA ) https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/3508 <p>This research aims to determine the comparison of students' nahwu abilities between pesantren, MAN and SMA graduates and the factors that caused these differences. This study uses a combined method (Mix Method). In this study, the instrument was document analysis and interviews. The population in this study were 126 Arabic Language Education students from batch 2019. The sample is 56 students. From this research, it is known nahwu ability of pesantren graduates is better with the average getting a score of 83,7126 with a minimum score of 72.43 and a maximum value of 94.51. Meanwhile, MAN graduates got second place with an average score of 81.7242 with a minimum score of 74.90 and a maximum value of 93.39. lastly, SMA graduates got an average score of 75.9011 with a minimum score of 66.50 and a maximum score of 89.04. The results of interview analysis show that school factors, intelligence factors, talent factors, interest factors, motivation factors, educational institution factors, environmental factors, family and community environmental factors are factors that cause differences in nahwu abilities between pesantren, MAN and SMA graduates.</p> Fadhilah Burhanuddin Rosa Yuli Sahara Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 207 222 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.3508 وسيلة عجلة الدورة في مهارة القراءة https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/2863 <p>The problem in this study is that some students have not been able to read correctly and have not been able to distinguish the sounds of adjacent letters and the teacher uses little learning media which is only limited to the blackboard and printed books. So that it makes students not enthusiastic in learning Arabic.&nbsp; This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the rotating wheel media to improve reading skills in students at MIN 3 Aceh Besar. The research method that researchers use is experimental method (Pre Test - Post Test One Group Design). The population in this study were all MIN 3 Aceh Besar students totaling 72 students. The research sample in this study was class V (B) students totaling 31 students. Researchers found from the results of the study that the use of rotary wheel media is effective in improving students' reading skills. This is based on the Wilcoxen Sign Rank Test which gives results at the significance level (Asymp Sign 2-tailed) 0.000 smaller than 0.005.</p> MAWADDAH WARAHMAH Aisyah Idris Safariah Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 223 238 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.2863 تحليل اضطرابات الصوت العربي لدى طلاب برنامج دراسة تعليم اللغة العربية جامعة جامبي https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/2914 <p>As a means of communication, language is of course a very important element, considering that the most effective way of communication is by speaking. One of the studies in linguistics is phonology which discusses everything related to the sounds of language. This article will discuss the nature of interference and interference phenomena that occur in students of the Jambi University Arabic Language Education study program. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The instrument in this research uses an Arabic poetry text entitled "Ayyuhal Hubb" by Abu Al Qasim As-Syabi. And the data used in this research is the result of recordings of Arabic poetry read by respondents. There were 5 respondents from the Arabic Language Education Study Program class of 2020. Even though the phoneme is the smallest unit in language sounds, it has a very large role in determining the meaning of language sounds in Arabic. There are different errors from various sources in pronouncing Arabic consonants and Arabic vowels such as The consonants sound clear. Errors in pronouncing the fathah vowel phonemes such as &nbsp;ظلام, pronounced ظلم, both have similar sounds but different meanings. There is a deviation in the pronunciation of the tanwin sound but it is not emphasized when read. there are several consonant letters that do not match. like, (ذ،ق،ء،س،ش) some letters are not read. such as (ال، و) incorrect pronouncing of a word. Like (سلاف، كؤوسً، ضياء، وقرتيور). There are no consonant errors. There is a long vowel deviation (letter ra) in the sentence و قرتيور جائي, it should be read short. There is a deviation from the short vowel (letter lam) in the sentence من ظلام, it should be read long. Contrastive analysis is a method for comparing several elements of two languages. In this case, the languages being compared are Indonesian and Arabic in terms of phonemes. Phonemes are language sounds that influence meaning. Linguistic experts divide phonemes into 3 parts based on their characteristics, namely vowels, consonants and semi-vowels.</p> Eki Turnando Agung Yusup Neldi Harianto Azila Munawaroh Putri Winda Rosyidah Zahra Zakiya Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 239 249 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.2914 الحذف عند البلاغيين: من تشتّت التقعيد إلى محاولات استدراك وكشف العامل الفكري https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/3505 <p>This article aims to examine ellipsis from the perspective of Arabic rhetoric criticism, in which it tries to outline its concept based on the Qur'anic rhetoric, then presents its categorization among Arab rhetoric experts in established rhetoric textbooks, which shows the disadvantage of fragmentation that falls on this topic. Therefore, this research tries to find the critical efforts of classical and contemporary experts on the incomprehensibility of the ellipsis category, as well as the main reasons behind this fragmentation. The main issue was examined using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach. One of the most important results is that classical experts do not consider all forms of ellipsis in the texts studied. This is the condition of ellipsis in rhetoric textbooks based on the theories of al-Sakkākī and al-Khaṭīb al-Qazwīni, and the fragmentation of categorization in them is visible. Several scholars then proposed improvements, such as those made by Muḥammad Abū Mūsā and Fādil al-Sāmirrā`ī, as al-Suyūtī also proposed a new categorization. This fragmented categorization is due to al-Sakkākī's reliance on limiting the phenomenon of ellipsis to clause components. This excludes phenomena outside the clause elements, such as omitting some word elements. The reason behind all this was al-Sakkākī’s tendency to oppose ‘Abd al-Qāhir and deviate from his theory to be in line with the Mu’tazilite creed believed in by al-Sakkāki, considering that al-Jurjānī based his theory on the concept of <em>ma’ānī al-nahw</em> which is in line with the theory of <em>al-kalām al-nafsī</em> adopted by the Ash’arites as the antithesis of the theory of <em>al-kalām al-lafzī</em> of the Mu’tazilites. Thus, al-Sakkākī tried to support his sect by moving from <em>ma’ānī al-nahw</em> to <em>al-naḥw</em>, which then led to the fragmentation of categorization.</p> Ahmad Muhdhor Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 250 276 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.3505 استخدام الأفلام الكرتونية في تدريس المفردات )دراسة تجريبية في المدرسة الابتدائية الحكومية 34 بيدي ( https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/1823 <p>بناءً على ملاحظة الباحث في المدرسة الإبتدائية 34 بيدي (Pidie)، رأى الباحث أن المدرسين في تلك المدرّسة لم يتمكن من اهتمام الطلاب وإقناعهم أثناء عملية التعليم والتعلم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لايطبق المدّرس الطريقة ووسائل التعليمية المثيرة والجذابة، حتى يجعل الطلاب مملا عند التعلم. أما أهداف هذا البحث هو تعرف على فعالية تطبيق وسيلة الأفلام الكرتونية"الوسائل المواصلات لترقية قدرة الطلاب على الحفظ وترجيم المفردات وتعرف على استجابة الطلاب في تعليم المفردات باستخدام وسيلة الأفلام الكرتونية.وأما دراسة البحث التي استخدمها الباحث فهي دراسة تجريبية بالتصميمات التمهيدية بشكل تصميم المجموعة الواحدة (one group pre-test post test) ولجمع البيانات استخدم الباحث الاستبانة والاختبار (الاختبار القبلي والبعدي). واختار الباحث الطلاب في الفصل الثاني (أ) كعينة في هذا البحث وكان عددهم 25 طالبا. ويستخدم الباحث نتيجة المأدية والمعدلة لتحليل بيانات الاستجابة وتحليل ت-Testلحصول على الفعالية. وأما النتائج التي حصل عليها الباحثفي هذا البحث فهي أن استخدام وسيلة الأفلام الكرتونية في تعليم المفردات فعال لترقية قدرة الطلاب على سيطرة المفردات. ونتائج استجابة الطلاب في تعليم المفرداتباستخدام وسيلة الأفلام الكرتونية تحصل على درجة عليا.وهكذا فإن تعلم المفردات باستخدام الأفلام الكرتونية يمكن وصفه بأنه فعال.</p> Jefriadi Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 277 296 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.1823 طريقة القراءة الجهرية وتطبيقها لترقية قدرة الطلبة على مهارة القراءة بالمدرسة العالية الإسلامية الحكومية 1 أتشيه الغربية https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/4272 <p>Among the obstacles that students often face in learning Arabic, especially learning to read, is their low ability to read Arabic words and sentences fluently and correctly. So appropriate methods are needed to improve their reading skills. This research tries to apply the <em>al-Qira'ah al-Jahriyah</em> method due to the urgency in learning to read. The aim of this research is to find out how the <em>al-Qira'ah al-Jahriyah</em> method is applied and to determine the influence of the <em>al-Qira'ah al-Jahriyah</em> method on students' reading ability at MAN 1 West Aceh. The research is experimental research with a quantitative approach. In collecting data, observation instruments, tests and questionnaires were used. The research results show that there are 3 phases of learning activities in implementing the <em>al-Qira'ah al-Jahriyah</em> method; opening phase of learning, core learning activity phase, closing phase of learning. Furthermore, the application of the <em>al-Qira'ah al-Jahriyah</em> method proved effective in improving students' reading skills at MAN 1 West Aceh, the research results showed a significant increase, namely from 1% to 5%, with an average value of 2,431 (previously) to 14,73 and 1,687 (later). These results show that the t-Count (to) value is greater than the t-Table (tt) value.</p> danial jamal Sullati Armawi Nurfithrah Zartinawati Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 297 313 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.4272 تطوير وسيلة Google Sites في تعليم مهارة القراءة https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/3484 <p>Arabic language learning is inseparable from reading skills which is one of the elements of language, and to improve reading skills in students, a teacher needs a medium that is according to the situations of students, in this day and age of course students really need media adapted to technology, therefore researchers decided to develop google site media in learning qiraah to facilitate and motivate students in learning. The research method used is Research &amp; Development (R &amp; D) research with the ADDIE model. The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility of media based on the opinions of experts and to know the responses of teachers and students to the media developed. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and questionnaire. The results showed that the Google site media developed was feasible to use, this was based on the opinions of experts, where the average assessment of the material expert was 4.7 with the predicate ‘very good, while the evaluation of the media expert with an average of 4.16 with the predicate “very good”, as well as teachers and students assessed that this media was feasible to use, based on the results of student questionnaires with an average of 3.37 predicate ‘good’ and teacher questionnaires 4.6 with the predicate ‘very good’.</p> khuzaimah alfisyahrina Iqbal Ache Muli Meutia Rahmah Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 13 02 314 332 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.3484 استخدام طريقة المحاكاة بوسيلة Display لترقية قدرة الطلبة على مهارة الكلام https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/3360 <p>After the researcher conducted the first observation at the MTsS Oemar Diyan, the researcher found that the students come from different elementary school backgrounds, and this situation leads to a difference in the student’s speaking skill. Even many of them have difficulty following the system that requires students to speak Arabic. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of using the muhakah method using display media to improve student’s speaking skill and to identify student’s activities when using this method and media to improve student’s speaking skill. The research method that used by the researcher is the experimental method with the type of Pre-Experimental Design, named One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design. The researcher used direct observation, pre-test and post-test as a method of collecting data. The result of this research is using the muhakah method and display media is effective in improving student’s speaking skill after the researcher found the result of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test to be 0.000. This result indicates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected because 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. The activities of students when using the muhakah method and display media to improve student’s speaking skill falls into the category of “excellent.” Because after the researcher analyzed the data with formula, the researcher found that the result was 87.5%. This indicates that it fell between the range of 81-100%.</p> rizqimuhammadrayyan Ismail Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 333 346 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.3360 تطوير منهج التعليم لغير الناطقين بها في المرحلة الابتدائية https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/3171 <p>The learning curriculum is part of the educational toolkit. In language learning, especially Arabic learning, an appropriate curriculum is needed. Therefore, curriculum development in its preparation and implementation is very much needed. The learning curriculum must be adapted to student needs and technology so that students are able to develop language skills. The Madrasah Ibtidaiyah curriculum is as follows: "Curriculum is interpreted to mean all of the organized courses, activities, and experiences which pupils have under the direction of the school, whether in the classroom or not" . What this means is that the interpretation of the curriculum is broad because the curriculum is not just subjects (courses), but includes all activities and experiences that are the responsibility of the school. Its implementation is not only limited to the classroom walls but also outside the classroom in accordance with the goals to be achieved. The aim of education is not only to convey subjects, but also to develop the child's personality and learn how to live in society. The learning process should take place according to the child's age and range of thinking without any dichotomies and restrictions on thinking and erasing stereotypes that can kill character and cognitive reasoning without us realizing it.&nbsp; Madrasah Ibtidaiyah must be able to become an institution that truly nurtures children's hopes and potential and allows imagination and thoughts about life to run freely and as teachers must be able to cultivate and develop various kinds of children's intelligence. Future learning must be able to eliminate the impression that school is difficult and bloody. so that learning becomes fun and can become a child's habitus in the future and all good potential becomes embedded in long-term memory and manifests into deep thinking maturity. The main school, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, must be an oasis amidst the complexity of our education system.&nbsp; Teachers must be real inspirations and not only be Theory Centric but develop ways of thinking critically and based on students' social reality This research uses a descriptive analysis method with data sources taken from books, journals and articles related to Arabic language learning theory and Arabic language learning curriculum development. The results of this research show that Arabic language learning theory has a very close relationship and connection with curriculum development. Therefore, curriculum development is carried out from learning theories to create an effective curriculum in developing students' language skills and making it easier for students to understand Arabic language learning and apply it.</p> Hafiza Rahmayani Hafiza Rahmayani Buhori Muslim Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 347 359 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.3171 تحليل الأخطاء النطقيه الأستاذ إيفي أفندي لسورة البقرة ٢٢١ على موقع يوتيوب: قناة كانغ ماهزون https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/2769 <p>This study aims to find out the forms of Ustadz Evi Effendi's pronunciation errors in reading Surat al Baqarah verse 221 on YouTube. In this study, the researcher only focused on the analysis of pronunciation errors and short readings in Surah Al Baqarah verse 221. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, namely a method by collecting data, analyzing it and then describing it. The results showed that the researcher found three forms of pronunciation errors: Substitution, Omission and Addition. In the Subtitution there are two types of mispronunciation of the letter hamza which should be read ain, and in the form of mispronunciation of the letter ain which must be read hamzah. In the Omission there are two words that are mispronounced and in the Addition there is one word that is mispronounced.</p> laeli rizki amalia Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 360 367 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.2769 تطبيق طريقة Fun Learningفي تدريس اللغة العربية بــــــــ MIN 8 Banda Aceh https://ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id/index.php/arabiyya/article/view/2869 <p>Initial observations made by the researchers showed that there are still some students who do not fully understand Arabic lessons. The teacher did not use the right method. This phenomenon leads to a lack of understanding of what the teacher is explaining. The purpose of the study was to find out how the activities of teachers and students in the application of Fun Learning methods in MIN 8 Banda Aceh and to find out the effectiveness of the application of Fun Learning methods in Arabic. The research method used by researchers in this study is an experimental method with one group pretest posttest design. The researchers gave the before and after tests as a research tool. As for the results of teacher and student activities during the learning process using the fun learning method, the results reached 97.5% for teacher observation sheets and 96.4% for student observation sheets and research results the application of Fun Learning methods effectively in Arabic learning is evidenced by test results (Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test) asymp sig.(2-tailed) 0.00 smaller than the result of significance 0.05.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Astuti Yulinda Suhaimi Copyright (c) 2024 'ARABIYYA: JURNAL STUDI BAHASA ARAB https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 02 368 381 10.47498/arabiyya.v13i02.2869