Lhokseumawe وفعالية استخدامه لترقية قدرة الطالبات على فهم المسموع دراسة تجربية بمعهد علوم الدين Card Sort أسلوب

  • Salwa STIT Syamsuddhuha Aceh Utara


Maharah Istima’ is first language  skills or initial interaction children of language, And it also an important language skills among other language skills that can be cultivated and developed because the basic skills to achieve proficiency. In this thesis, the researcher using the Card Sort Strategy in Maharah Istima '. because it an initial observation by researchers that the learning process on Maharah Istima ', the teacher read arabic teks and the student listen to it. Then the teacher told students to express what has been listen and so on untill the students are bored with the methods used by teachers. when the teacher told students rediscover what they hear they show others. Cause of that As such they appeared less interested in learning Maharah Istima '. Therefore, researchers used the strategy Card Sort in this learning can make students a vibrant to learn because using a card  of media and making it easier for students to understand the Arabic text, discover new ideas and new knowledge. The aim of this research is (1) to know steps for using Card Sort  strategies in Maharah Istima '.(2) the effectiveness of its use to improve the ability of students in Maharah Istima '. Method of the research in this thesis is experiment method  with instruments test and documentation. Meanwhile population this research is all student of Ulumuddin boarding school and sample of this research  in class II8 consist 30 students. The result of the research is using Card Sort Strategy effective to improve the ability of students on the listening and according result thitung  bigger than ttabel  is 7,94 > 1,67
