الواقعية الاشتراكية في الشعر "في بالدي الاحترام للفقير" بقلم أنيس سيوسيان المنظور الاجتماعي لغوغر لوكاس

  • Puja Rahmah Uin Sunan Kalijaga yogyakarta
Keywords: Poetry, Socialist Realism, Features Of Socialist Realism


This study aims to describe the characteristics of socialist realism contained in the Assalam poem. To reveal this research used descriptive analytic method. The theory used is Goegr Luke's sociology of literature which focuses on literature as a social function. As for the characteristics of socialist realism, the writer formulates it based on the concept of realism contained in poetry. From the results of this formulation, an overview of the characteristics of socialist realism is produced. The findings of this study indicate that the characteristics of socialist realism in the structure of the poem seem to dominate and in the poem according to the predetermined characteristics of socialist realism it appears as a whole. There are three characteristics of socialist realism that do not appear in poetry, namely, first; showing the truth in every lyric, second; showing the right figure, third; displays social criticism of society at that time. Based on this, the poem is rightly called a poem with the socialist realism wing and socialist realism style.


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