إشكالية التأنيث المجازي في اللغة العربية ومحاولة تعليله

  • Danial Jamal STAIN Teungku Dirundeng
Keywords: Ta'nitsMajazi, Arabic, Reasoning


Ta'nitsMajazi(Figurative femininity) is one type of femininity which is a fundamental characteristic of the Arabic language. Recognizing of Ta'nitsMajazi is considered as one of the determinants of one's fluency in Arabic. This is because the majority of words in Arabic cannot be separated from the existence of gender, both male and female. What's more, the Arabs regard even objects as having sex as living things. So they put gender markers on these inanimate objects in a metaphor. This causes the Ta'nitsMajazi to become increasingly difficult to learn and to become more widely discussed until most people (including linguists) suspect that theseTa'nitsMajazi are included in the irregular discussion. So this study aims to make it easier for Arabic language students to recognize and master the Ta'nitsMajazi.
