إستخدام عرض واقعي فى تعليم مهارة الإستماع (بالمدارس الثانوية الإسلامية الحكومية الناموذجية بمحافظة آتشية دارالسلام)

  • Zikriati Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Nurazan binti mohmad Rouyan Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia


The teaching of Arabic at all levels aims to teach and develop four linguistic skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The curriculum also encourages the teaching of Arabic to beginners focusing on listening and speaking skills. Listening is one of the four language skills taught in Indonesia. The aim of teaching these four skills is so that students have the ability, competence, inclination and love for Arabic. The teaching of these four skills should ideally be applied simultaneously, because each skill has advantages in learning Arabic. Considering that the results of education in language skills, especially listening skills in the Arabic field, many Islamic schools and universities have not been very successful, especially what happened at the Banda Aceh Model Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN). Because the teaching process is not effective in conducting listening skills learning, as reflected in the weakness of listening in Arabic. From the above reality, the researcher concludes that the research problem is as follows: the absence of the use of interesting language methods and styles in teaching listening skills, and the absence of appropriate and attractive learning media by the teacher so that students feel bored in learning Arabic. Based on this problem, the researcher wants to use one of the educational methods in learning Arabic, especially in listening skills, "realistic presentations" or what are referred to as audiovisual means (audiovisual), modern ways in the field of learning Arabic, especially in listening skills. For this reason, the title of the dissertation is: "The use of realistic presentations in teaching listening skills, namely hearing and understanding words in the context of ordinary conversation and to understanding the overall meaning of the speaker's message (Experimental Research). Because researchers need figures, tables, and statistics on a scale. Thus, researchers use quantitative methodologies (in the Banda Aceh Islamic high school government model). The final conclusions are as follows: (1) Based on the results obtained by the experimental group in the pre and post-tests, there are real differences between them and are related to the influence of experimental variables. The use of realistic presentations is suitable for use in the Banda Aceh MTsN Model.
