فعالية استخدام طريقة المناقشة في ترقية مهارة الكلام (دراسة تجريبية لدى الطلاب محب الوطن جونكا كاجه الأتشية الشمالية )

  • Husaini STIT Syamsuddhuha Aceh Utara
Keywords: The use of the Discussion, Improving Speaking Skill


Teaching arabic in the era modern  now based on training ( skill ) language. Speaking skill is one of four language skills who have important roles in digging science and knowledge of books or the newspapers.  speaking skill is second skill after heard skill because covering oral practice in teaching arabic language. And teaching kalam begins before will teach reading and writing skills. Dayah Muhibbul Wathan is one of dayah located in Jungka Gajah district of aceh north also had more attention to teaching arabic. But in this dayah appear to saturation and bored of students , this is caused students did not focus on the process of learning and teaching maharah kalam, they also did not have the ability in speaking with using the arabic language, Even some of those who have the ability low against kalam feel  not confidence in front of his friends who is good at other, They are embarrassed and fear wrong when the teacher  give the question that has not understood, This is the case with students in study arabic. Then the researcher wanted to settle this problem with did research on usage method of munaqasyah in teaching maharah kalam. the purpose of this research that is to know the application of a method of munaqasyah in teaching maharah kalam in Dayah Muhibbul Wathan Jungka Gajah Aceh North, and also determine the effectiveness of the use of method munaqasyah in improving students ability to maharah kalam in Dayah Muhibbul Wathan Jungka Gajah Aceh North. Technique research used is quantitative and qualitative design research quasi experiment . Instrument used researchers to obtain data taken was direct observation, interview and tests. The results of research obtained is the use of method munaqasyah to attract the attention students to the learning process maharah kalam in Dayah Muhibbul Wathan, it is based on observation researchers on the process teaching and learning maharah kalam by using the method munaqasyah .This method can make students the joy of learning and understand will ministry taught and may also be motivate they and to make them bold so they are able to to speak in arabic,  And the use of a method of munaqasyah and effective in improving maharah kalam students in Dayah Muhibbul Wathan Jungka Gajah aceh north. In fact is that value t0 = 4,832 and value t table at standard significance 5% = 2,09 and table at standard significance 1% = 2,86 and that t0 value larger than values t table (2,09 <4,832> 2,86).
